Together the Taw family can laugh as they remember the dead possums, mice, and rats they’ve pulled from behind firewalls of old Jaguars and Triumphs that come in for restoration...
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Together the Taw family can laugh as they remember the dead possums, mice, and rats they’ve pulled from behind firewalls of old Jaguars and Triumphs that come in for restoration...
On the eastern edge of the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course sits a red-roofed farmhouse. Built in 1901 and visible from the track itself, the horse farm and its out-buildings have quietly watched as 50-plus years of world-class racing screamed past its fields.
In the early years of the Long Beach Grand Prix, drivers (the story goes) knew to brake for a turn when they saw a certain brothel, and to nail the accelerator once they had passed the last longshoreman's bar.
Twelve hours on the track at Sebring is the equivalent of a lifetime – or, at least, to 24 hours – anywhere else.
On ground as hallowed as Daytona, racing is as much about the past and the future as it is about the present moment...
The infield of Santa Anita Park was filled with vintage motorcycles a few weeks back. With the San Gabriel mountain range as a backdrop, Santa Anita Park is easily one of the most beautiful race tracks in the world...
Most times I see these bikes static in a garage or at a show. As incredible as it still is, the machine is clean and lifeless. At the track they awaken. Breathing fire and shredding rubber. Their sole purpose of creation is tested. Go fast.
We joined team MV Agusta Reparto Corse in its return to Monterey, California...
Dirt, motorcycles and race gas… what else do you need?...