While documenting Max building the turbo Motus ( Salt Shaker ) we talked in passing about creating a short film. Something simple just to show what we were working on. Possibly to share with our friends and maybe our kids someday. "Look at this cool thing we did back in the day".
We continued to develop the idea while Max dove deeper into the design of the bike. It was one of the most challenging thing we had seen him do. There were struggles and doubts at times that we all thought he would never over come. In the midst of the building phase, Max had the exciting news that he and Sarah would be expecting a baby boy. Although overjoyed that he would be joining the ranks of fatherhood, the pursuit of breaking 200 miles per hour on his own creation weighed heavier on his mind more than ever.
Max never broke focus. He knew that every piece he welded and every nut he turned had to be his best and most precise. The bike came off the work table and after a few months of testing (on local streets) and dyno runs the Salt Shaker was ready for the salt.
It was a very strange feeling to be standing on the salt for the first time. The surface is like nothing you can actually compare to. Light and sound plays a different tone there. We can only articulate the environment as alien. As a motorsports enthusiast, flashes of history plays like a reel with every step you take. Bonneville is truly holy ground.
After two nights, one great run, one scary and one with unexpectedly perfect surface condition, Max found traction and opened the throttle to let the Salt Shaker go. The rest is history. We celebrated at the motel parking lot with tacos next to the van. We ate, drank and laughed till late. When we closed the doors to the van before we all parted ways, Max let go a big sigh. " We came along way from that street in New York huh ? " We sure did.
We would like to thank our good friend Zach Johnson for helping us realize this idea and putting his best work into the film. We have shared some good times together at race tracks around the country. This was another adventure we are happy to share with a great friend.
Of course, huge thanks to Max for taking us on this beautiful ride. Congratulations on making history and doing it with style and humility.
Lastly, this all would not be possible if it was not for the support from Bobby and Stacy at the Haas Moto Museum. Thank you for being a wonderful friend and patron to our crazy exploits. We hope for more in the future.
Please enjoy the film as mush as we did making it. We hope by the very least that this inspires some of you to go out there create something beautiful.